Frog Spawn Update

Frog Spawn Update 17th April 2018

 After the big freeze we had i thought all my Frogs spawn had died. I was so happy when I saw movement a few days ago, then yesterday I saw tadpoles in the wildlife bath.

There are so many tadpoles I feel so happy they survived. The bath has grass growing in it so I very carefully cut away some of the roots to give them swimming space, but left a lot with grass for protection.

Update 19th April

I went up to the allotment today and started to clear some of the grass to ensure there is enough space in the bath for the tadpoles. There was so many roots under the water I was  unsure where they would swim. To my surprise all of a sudden in the roots there was movement, much to my delight there was an adult frog in there. I stopped what I was doing immediately and left the frog well alone.


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