Naga Chilli update 13/05/18
Naga chilli update 13/05/18
Its been a slow process but finally my Naga reaper chilli seeds are getting somewhere. I think its because of the dreadful weather we had up until May, and the lack of sunshine hours. The two plants that grew are now coming along nicely. Each plant has several sets of leaves and will be planted into bigger pots this week. I will be keeping them in the window sill in full sunlight.
I have decided to grow a few different types of chillies this year and will do a blog on the different varieties that i am growing and see how they progress. these chillies as with most of the varieties I'm growing will be at home, but I do have some Chenzo chillies growing in the greenhouse. It will be interesting to see how each plant grows.
Last year I swapped some Burkina Yellow Chilli seeds for some Naga Chilli seeds. I have planted 4 about 10 days ago and 2 have pepped through. They have been put in the window by the radiator as the ideal soil temperature for chilli seeds is between 23-30 degrees. I have also lightly put some cling film over them in the evenings so counteract the chilly nights. Kept the soil moist but not wet and will now keep them in the window for maximum light. Hopefully they will grow into healthy strong plants. When big enough to handle I will repot into 20cm pots for this year, then depending on how large they are in the winter I will prune back and possibly repot into larger pots and place some organic plant fertiliser on top of the soil.
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