Spring has arrived- strawberries
Spring has arrived-Strawberries
The sun has shone the grass and weeds have grown, but so have the fruit and vegetables started to come to life.
The 8 strawberry plants I started with 3 years ago have made it to 28 plants in total!!!!
The first year I wasn't sure what I was doing, so I just left them to their own devises. The second year I was a bit more knowledgeable when it came to looking after and growing my strawberries. I picked the strawberries that grew and instead of cutting of the runners so that the plants concentrated on producing berries, I decided to play the long game. I potted the runners while still attached to the main plant, and allowed them to grow solid roots in the little pots. Once the runners had started to go a deep brown and felt a little dry I knew that the new plants had well established roots. I snipped the runners releasing the plant from the mother plant. Each mother plant varied in the amount of runners but one of them had 4 runners from it.
After snipping from the main plant I placed the strawberries in the little pots in the greenhouse to overwinter, watering as needed. Once the worse of the winter weather (not expecting the weather we had in April that was unexpected) I transferred the plants to their summer spaces.
I have been a bit different planting some of my strawberries into their final places this year. Some have been put into a bed together, others have been put into the corners my onion beds, a few have been put into pots on my pot table in the duck run and the remaining four I have put into hanging baskets. I wanted to see which ones grew better. At the moment all are flowering even the original 8 are covered in flowers despite being in their 3rd year in an unfertilised bed.
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