Getting back to allotmenting

Getting back into allotment blogging

It’s been a while since I have blogged but I’m getting back into it. 

What a summer we have had heatwave for most of the country and where I am we were on level 3 warnings most of the time. 

Some plants have suffered greatly I almost lost my young apple tree leaves are all brown and dead, but after pouring scour buckets of water around the roots I seem to have some new shoots appearing. I lost almost all of my beetroot seedlings Just couldn’t keep up with the watering. 

Some plants however have flourished in the heat. After caging my sweetcorn I have actually managed to grow some for the first time in three years. Squash and courgette have done well and my tomatoes are all outside no greenhouse required. 

More blogs to follow soon about my trials and tribulations. 


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