Heavy, medium and light feeders

Heavy, medium and light feeders 

When gardening or on the allotment it is best not to grow the same heavy feeders in the same bed over and over again. To let the soil rest after heavy feeders I will be planting light feeders in after heavy, the heavy after the light. The medium feeders I will be planting after each other but different types of medium feeders. Of course planning planting is made even harder when you factor in companion planting, also quick growing crops planted between slow growing crops. Planning is an important part of growing vegetable. However having said this I managed to get a good crop last year all be it n a very hap hard way, but as I want to grow even more this year I want to start planning what is planted where.

Most herbs are light feeders 

Light feeders include

Carrots, Parsnips, onions, radishes, turnips, leeks, garlic, collard greens, peas, swiss chard, kale, beans, most herbs and potatoes.

Medium feeders include

Artichoke, basil, lettuce, spinach, broccoli, small fruiting peppers, boy chow,cabbage and cauliflower.

Heavy feeders include

Sweetcorn, cucumber, tomatoes, celery, pumpkin, squash, peppers, melon and aubergine.

The internet is full of conflicting reports about light, medium and heavy feeders so I guess some of it is trial and error. This year I will rotate crops and log my progress and see how things do in my organic allotment. I will be making some natural feed for the beds for this year to give them a helping hand, also all beds have had straw from the ducks laid on top to eliminate some weeds and deter snails and slugs.

My sage plant pictured is a very hardy light feeder it has been in just 4 inches of soil  in a 75cm x 75cm box and in 3 year is now about 80cm in circumference.


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